This was a picture Aunt Stephanie took of the cousins waiting for Joe to come off the airplane from his mission (which took forever). Aunt Stephanie told us that Lexi turned to
Kenzie and asked what she was doing in the picture.
Kenzie responded that this was her "sexy" pose (don't ask me where she got that one). The next picture is of Lexi and
Kenzie doing the pose.
Reunion pictures

We drove up to the Brewer compound for the annual family reunion. We got to listen to all the return missionaries talk, it was incredible. Aunt Stephanie built a return missionary board with pictures highlighting where every missionary in the family served. I should have taken a picture before the camera died, it was amazing. This was a good trip. The kids enjoy being around their cousins and it is important for us to make the trip, even if it was only for a few hours.