Sunday, August 16, 2009

Makenzie's First Day of All Day School

This is Makenzie's first day of school, and we were almost late for it. She got ready in record speed and hardly ate anything for breakfast. I think she was too excited.

Waiting in a line for the bus. Makenzie was not sure what to do, so here she is hanging out in the back of the line watching the other kids. The kids on the bus stop are really nice to Kenzie.

Makenzie and her friend Indie

Austin was sad (or jealous) to see Kenzie leave for the day. He has to stay with the crazy lady (me) all day while she gets to go someplace more exciting.

She was so excited to get the heck of the house, look at how fast she's trying to get on the bus for the first time. So far, Makenzie is loving school.

Brewer Family Reunion 2009

Austin Getting Soaked by COLD water and loving it.

Jeremiah got into a water fight with the bigger boys

Jacob, Jeremiah, & Jennifer

The cousins at the Pioneer Day Parade

Shaeylnn Cooling off in her own version of the swimming pool

Makenize actually eating

Water fight

Jeremiah and Jennifer at the Parade