Friday, April 17, 2009

Tax Day 2009

Jeremiah wanted to take the kids and me to a protest on Tax day. I was really skeptical about taking the whole family. It turned out to be a super nice and peaceful protest. Mostly people were either listening to the speakers and clapping or walking around reading the hand made posters. We pushed the cougar around and read the posters. My concern is mostly for the amount of spending our government is doing. I really worry about all the debt that will someday need to be repaid.
I saw a few signs that included the word Extremest. I'm really offended by the word extremest. I think that if you add the word extremest to anything it just sounds horrible....I thought of a few examples in the shower, like eating extremest, sitting and watching t.v. extremest, phone talker extremest, gaming extremest, and I'm not that creative but I'm sure you get the point. Why on earth would some of these crazies put that word on their posters, like that makes them smart? Seriously, I only saw a couple posters like that but it was enough to get me bugged.
There was this one guy that had bike chains all over him and his sign said "This wasn't the kind of Change I voted for." I thought that was pretty funny, you would too if I had a picture of it.

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